
New to World Windows in Sobol: Glass Protection Nano Technology.

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Glass Protection is “the“ hydrophobic, water and dirt-repelling surface finishing for glass: a clear situation that generates visible enthusiasm. By imitating the property of the leaves of the lotus flower, glass has a self-cleaning effect and it is protected.

Thus cleaning efforts are significantly reduced and simplified. The glass is protected from damaging environmental influences, it no longer ages. Water and dirt flow away to a large extent. The penetration of lime deposits is prevented as well as the effects of acids and leaching. The glass appears brighter and transmits more light.

Glass Protection Glass Protection stands for most innovative technology, most creative overall solutions in a most impressive manner. The application of special substances, combined with a completely unique technology guarantees the absolute maximum of effect, performance and benefit.

Glass is a living thing and we demand a great deal of it. Glass Protection saves the use of cleaning agents to a large extent and thus protects the environment and, in a remarkable way, it makes us aware of the things that nature has shown us for a long time.

Glass Protection – application areas
glass facades, conservatories, windows, sand-blasted glass, showers, mirrors , glass furniture, glass on boats and much more..

Glass Protection - results and benefits

  • guarantees - the LOTUS-EFFECT - repels water and dirt
  • effects - less soiling, with less frequent cleaning
  • protects - against damaging environmental influences
  • prevents - the glass from aging and weathering
  • heightens - the appearance and the impression of the glass
  • improves - the view, transparency, the sight and the light
  • saves - much work, nerves, time and even your money

Glass Protection – warranty 5 years

  • on glass facades, windows, outside glazing
  • on showers, mirrors, sand-blasted glass, etc.

Glass Protection – application steps

  • a special working material consisting amongst others of silicon atoms is sprayed on the cleaned glass
  • after a short reaction time the surplus material is removed from the glass surface
  • by means of a special illumination procedure, identical to the photo process, the silicon atoms adhering to the glass surface, are bonded firmly with the glass
  • The surface of the glass is now is sealed, it is cleaned again and then fulfills the properties named above.

Glass Protection – application

  • manually - also on glass already installed
  • automatized - within a glass production line

Glass Protection - product characteristics

  • a high-tec product based on glass-typical substances
  • bonds itself to the glass via a chemical reaction and the application of energy
  • resistant to weathering influences and natural climate changes
  • resistant to aggressive environmental influences, salt water and leaching
  • the surface structure of the glass is retained
  • high stability, long life, highly effective
  • resistant to the effects of UV light

Glass Protection - totally different from the conventional design.
Furthermore it is part of our philosophy to standardize our technology, to design it simply, perfectly and ingeniously at any time in order to satisfy ever user in each and every respect. This attitude makes Glass Protection unique and does not permit comparison with others.